Legal notice

In compliance with the provisions of Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), we provide you, as a user of our website, with the following legal information:

1. Identity and owner of the website:

We inform you of the following data in relation to the ownership of this Website:

Owner: Noelia Rodríguez Aranda (hereinafter «VegatorralbaBio»).
Trade name: Granja VegaTorralbaBio
ID: 77326363H
Address: C/ Juan Carlos I, 43
Activity: Agriculture, Training and Tourism

2. Intellectual Property:

«VegatorralbaBio» informs you that all publications and content of any kind that are published on this website, whatever their format and form of presentation – texts, images, illustrations, logos, graphics, posts, downloadable, audiovisual content, etc-, are subject to copyright, intellectual property and industrial property, of which «VegatorralbaBio» is the sole owner.

Under no circumstances may these rights be transferred or assigned without the prior, explicit and written consent of «VegatorralbaBio». In particular, the contents of this website may not be reproduced, reinterpreted, disseminated, sold, distributed or used for commercial or non-commercial purposes. VegatorralbaBio» respects the rights of others.  «VegatorralbaBio» reserves the right to take appropriate civil or criminal action against users who infringe its rights.

3. Rules of use:

VegatorralbaBio is a website where we make known the world of Biodynamic Agriculture, as well as different training proposals.

All visitors who access this website – users, readers or customers – must respect the subject matter and dynamics of the website, making appropriate use of the services and contents, in particular:

Not to use them for illicit, illegal or contrary to good faith and public order activities.
Disseminate content or propaganda that is racist, xenophobic, pornographic, in support of terrorism or that violates human rights. «VegatorralbaBio» reserves the right to delete any comment or contribution that violates the rules of this site. Anonymous, promotional, insulting or insulting comments or comments that go against the good tone of the website and its community are not allowed. And in no case will I be responsible for the comments that users may leave.

4. Data protection:

This website complies with current legislation on data protection (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (GDPR) on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data). For more information about the processing of your data and to know the privacy policy of this website, you can click on this link: Privacy policy.

5. Exclusion of liability:

«VegatorralbaBio» will not be liable in any case for any loss or damage of any kind that may be caused by visiting this site, either by error or omission of the contents, by the actions of visitors, by the particular decisions that you can take of the recommendations made or by the transmission of any malicious program that occurs despite having taken the necessary technological measures to prevent it. «VegatorralbaBio» is not responsible for the contents of external websites of third parties that may be linked or advertised from this website, as «VegatorralbaBio» has no control over these websites and is not liable in this respect.

6. Cookies policy:

This website uses its own and third party cookies. In the Cookies Policy, you will find all the detailed information for consultation.

7. Applicable legislation and jurisdiction:

This Legal Notice shall be interpreted in all cases in accordance with Spanish law.
In the event of any conflict or discrepancy arising in the interpretation or application of this Legal Notice or in relation to the operation and/or use of this Website, the Courts and Tribunals which, where appropriate, will hear the matter, will be those provided for in the applicable legal regulations regarding competent jurisdiction, in which, in the case of end consumers, the place in which they have their habitual residence is taken into account.
In the event that you are a legal entity or a non-consumer professional, you expressly agree that such disputes shall be submitted, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction, to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Jaén (Spain).

8. Modification of the content of the legal notice:

We reserve the right to make any modifications we deem appropriate to the website without prior notice, and may change, delete or add both the content and services provided through the website and the way in which they are presented or located on the portal. Consequently, this legal notice may be modified at any time, according to the evolution of the website and the contents offered. In this case, we will inform you as a user of such modifications by means of a notice on the home page.

Last update: October 2021